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Rotary International.

Cross-glances. Russia-France.

On May 31, 2014, just one day before International Children's Day, the Fashion Days project participated in opening of the firs stage of International Children Art Contest "Cross-glances. Russia-France". The city of Paris, whose history counts more than 2000 years, so captivaiting and beautiful. Perhaps you will have to visit it to get your own understanding of the city of Paris which has already been seen by our children. The theme of France is beneficial and glad for every Russian, and talented children from 1st Art School saw their own France by expressing it in their pictures. The main idea of the contest are supporting and advancing of young art talents of Vologda Oblast and also aquaintance of the French national culture and arts.

That contest has strengthened our cultural connections with France because it was organised under the high patronage of the Embasy of Russia in Paris and the General Consulate of France in St.Petersburg. The main organiser of the contest was Rotary Club Cherepovets-Sheksna supported by intercountries commitee ICC Russia-France, Culture department of Cherepovets City Hall and, of course, 1st Children Art School of Cherepovets with its headmaster Tatyana Smirnova.

From left to right: the contest host, Yuriy Afanasyev (the President of Rotary Club Cherepovets-Sheksna), Thibaut Fourrière (French Consul General in St.Petersburg), the finalist of children art contest, Olga Kuznetsova (Fashion Days general producer), Bertrand Boronowski (District Bretagne Governor) with his daughter.



This contest is international, so high-level guests visited our region that day to give ther opinion about children's ideae without fear of favor. The members of jury were:

* Consul General of France in St.Petersburg Thibaut Fourrière

* President of Intercountries commitee Russia-France Issa Toga

* District Bretagne Governor Bertrand Boronowski

* Fashion Days producer Olga Kusnetsova

* the other cultural workers of Vologda Regions

The First Deputy of Vologda Oblast Governor Oleg Vasilyev was present at the opening ceremony. Rotary International movement is the world nonpolitical public organisation of the business world representatives. Their motto is "Serving the society is higher than private interests".

Today Rotary International is the biggest charity organisation in the world which has more then 1,2 mln. members, 33 thousand clubs in 166 countries. The movement is almost 110 years old, its activity in Cherepovets (as Rotary Club Cherepovets-Sheksna) has been lasting more than for ten years. Yuriy Afanasyev did a great plenty of work of hosting and contest arranging.


Perhaps Paris is so grandiose because from generation to generation the world gives it love. We express the big gratitude to all patrons who contributed to arranging of the first international art contest "Cross-glances. Russia-France"! On June 10, 2014 the second stage of the art contest took place, and French children created pictures about their love to Russia.




